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Runningman Lover
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Sunday 18 September 2011 | 02:05 | 1 Element(s)
Assalamualaikum W.b.t...
hehe.. npe dgn tutorial??? hmm.. bgi Bloggerz cm aq ni.. tutorial tu amat penting kn.. nk make-up blog korg tu bg jdi hensem2 or cantik2 cket.. hehe.. aq pown salah sowg yg ska bce tutorial owg.. tpi xpernah plak aq wat tutorial sendiri.. so, arie ni aq nk try wat tutorial cendiri... bnda pe aq nk buat?? aq nk buat tutorial psal "welcome note".. ataupun bahase mudahnya sblom nmpk u all pnye blog.. anda kne click sesuatu gambar dlu.. hehe~~ example:
My Welcome Notes... hee~~~
Want to know more??? pegi blog ni... Fahiqah Husni
mesti yg bwu.. xtaw cmna nk buat design kn?? so , aq secara sukarelanya akan wat design utk korunk... tpi untuk first owg yg comment kt shout mix jerw la k.... Bubbye...
i'll wait for the first person...


~No need to be sad when someone made your heart broke.. bcoz there are thousands more will make you happy~


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